Monday, 14 November 2011

My staycation..

Been awhile..but figured I'd post something to show the blog is still alive? haha..been very busy with work lately so haven't had any energy to do anything else but laze around .. but this weekend was a good refreshing break from work and stress.  Got a whole new wardrobe! haha.. I haven't spent so much in one shopping trip... ever.  5 shirts, 3 pants, 1 dress.. all from Banana Republic.  Omg.. watching the salesperson ring up all the clothes.. seeing the prices going up on the screen..... O_O  I thought what was I thinking?? I should take out some stuff! but then I gave them the coupon and Ooo the steal! the steal!!! lol  ah it put a smile on my face.  haha.  I love a good buy.  Now to just find my boots at a good price.

Sigh, and now back to the fray. 

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