Sunday, 2 October 2011

Cards and Trinkets

The past few birthdays, I decided I'd make my friends a birthday card. Lately, I just give a present, no card.. so guess this was a little personalization.  Although, I'm obviously not very good at it.. haha still, I think they're cute in their own way (in the way that kids make cards for their friends).  haha

Just used some card stock, cut out the size of the card I wanted.  To fold it, I used an exacto knife and just slightly cut across the fold line (don't cut through!) -- this allowed me to fold it without making creases/wrinkles.  There's tools like a bone folder.. but I don't have that. :P

Then the little keychain I made..  a little felt..bunny/cat? haha something.   That's the extent of my recent crafting! Not much, but hopefully the next thing will be a pillowcase. 

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