Sunday, 4 December 2011

My couch is too small..

Today, I finally got to do some crafting again.  I'm working on an old knitting project I started more than 10 years ago.  I was sitting on my couch, knitting beside my cat.. I felt like an Old Cat Lady  especially since I've been having back problems this past week for no apparent reason... -_-.. lol.  So after maybe 30 min or so I decided to do some sewing instead and came out with two new pillows! woohoo! But now I have no where to sit.   My cat has decided to make my fleece throw and half my couch her permanent bed.   I don't have the heart to kick her off. -_-  So now I have one square to sit on as you can see.. I need to find her a new bed.


Anyways, the pillows!

The big square one is an envelope pillow case over a pillow form - very easy to make!  I love the fabric though.. :)   I'm pondering on making a second one with the same fabric.. maybe rectangular? hmm.

The small round one took me all day!  So much cutting and pinning.. -_- and it didn't come out as nice as I had hoped but still pretty cool!  I followed the tutorial for it on Cluck Cluck Sew (  I'm sure with some more practice with measurements and sewing it'll come out much nicer! :)

Next project:  Cable knit scarf for boyfriend? :)  ( I'm still working on the project from 10 years ago too) lol