Monday, 29 August 2011

fabric headband

I was looking online on how to make necklaces and came across one that had fabric flowers on them, so that went into a search of how to make fabric flowers.  I came across one set of instructions that used organza but.. that's pretty expensive here.  Especially if I just want to play around.. so I went to the dollar store to see what I could find.  Spools of ribbon! Dollarama is awesome! :)

So here's the flower I made with a bit of dollar ribbon..
So how to make?

You will need
  • some sort of fabric, i found this 15' spool of ribbon that's probably polyester.. I'm not even sure.
  • a candle
  • scissors
  • thread and needle
  • 3 small beads (I used glass pearls from walmart on sale)

  1. Cut out 5 to 6 flower shapes out of your ribbon.  I like to have 5 petals on each. You might want to make them different sizes too.
  2. Take the petals you cut out and hold them over the flame (don't put them in the flame!) The heat of the fire will make the petals curl up.  Careful how long you put them over the flame though, they will curl fast and tight!
  3. After you've curled all the edges, layer each flower on top of each other however you might like it to look.  Sew them together and add in your beads!

and you're done!  This is what I did with mine:

I messed up with the headband... so no tutorial for that. haha.  >_<